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2020年06月10日  点击:[]

近日,我院人类学研究所王传超教授和德国马普人类历史科学研究所Martine Robbeets教授共同主编的学术专刊《Transeurasian millets and beans, words and genes》(泛欧亚语:谷子和豆子、词汇和基因)在《Evolutionary Human Sciences》上发表并由剑桥大学出版社结集出版。专刊邀请了德国马普所、康奈尔大学语言学系、都柏林圣三一大学、里士满大学、首尔大学考古艺术史系、伦敦大学、丹佛大学人类学系、俄罗斯科学院历史研究所和语言学研究所、厦门大学社会与人类学院人类学研究所、武汉大学考古系、吉林大学等知名科研机构30余位学者,围绕泛欧亚语的起源和传播撰写了11篇论文。泛欧亚语言的起源和传播是历史比较语言学中最有争议的问题之一,在专刊中,学者们从跨学科的角度有效地综合语言学、考古学和遗传学证据,探讨泛欧亚语的扩散是否是由农业在东北亚传播以及人口扩张和人群的扩散所驱动的。专刊还邀请了国际知名考古学家、澳大利亚国立大学考古学与人类学学院Peter Bellwood教授撰文进行总结和点评。



Special collection

Transeurasian millets and beans, words and genes

Edited by Martine Robbeets & Chuan-Chao Wang

Dedicated to the memory of Sarah Milledge Nelson

(November 29, 1931- April 27, 2020)

East Asian archaeologist, feminist, rebel, role model and loyal friend

Table of contents

1.About millets and beans, words and genes

Martine Robbeets & Chuan-Chao Wang

2.Tracing population movements in ancient East Asia through the linguistics and archaeology of textile production

Sarah Nelson, Irina Zhushchikhovskaya, Tao Li, Mark Hudson and Martine Robbeets

3.Bioarchaeological perspective on the expansion of Transeurasian languages in the Neolithic Amur River Basin

Yinqiu Cui,Fan Zhang, Pengcheng Ma, Linyuan Fan, Chao Ning, Quanchao Zhang, Wei Zhang, Lixin Wang & Martine Robbeets

4.The Xiongnu and the Huns, the Rourans and the Avars: An interdisciplinary view on the early nomads of the Eastern Steppe and their tentative connections in the West

Alexander Savelyev & Choongwon Jeong

5.The homeland of proto-Tungusic inferred from contemporary words and ancient genomes

Chuan-Chao Wang & Martine Robbeets

6. Millet vs rice: an evaluation of the farming/language dispersal hypothesis in the Korean context

Jangsuk Kim & Jinho Park

7.The evolving Japanese: the dual structure hypothesis at 30

Shigeki Nakagome, Mark Hudson & John Whitman

8. Japan considered from the hypothesis of farmer/language spread

de Boer, Elisabeth; Yang, Melinda; Kawagoe, Aileen & Gina L. Barnes

9. Munda languages are father tongues, but Japanese and Korean are not

Gyaneshwer Chaubey & George van Driem

10. Population dynamics in Northern Eurasian forests: Merging archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence of distant but common cultural trajectories

Junzo Uchiyama, J. Christopher Gillam, Alexander Savelyev & Ning Chao

11. Some concluding remarks

Peter Bellwood



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