近日,我院高畅(Augustin Holl)教授撰写的专著《流动势在必行:人类迁徙的全球进化视角》(The Mobility Imperative: A Global Evolutionary Perspective of Human Migrations)在列克星敦出版社(Lexington Books)出版。

The book “The Mobility Imperative: A Global Evolutionary Perspective of Human Migrations” addresses the long-term evolutionary implications of mobility as a foundational driving force of human biological and cultural evolution. A parsimonious but comprehensive model, SArFe (S - Speciation; Ar - Adaptive Radiation; Fe - Founder effect) based on Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) rationales is crafted and tested with 5 case studies ranging from Humans origins and expansion to cattle domestication and expansion of Bovine tuberculosis, including the origin and expansion of speakers of Austronesian, Bantu, and Chadic languages. The model is shown to be robust enough to address such topics as the emergence and expansion of religions and even fashion.
(文 何静)