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2021年01月27日  点击:[]


主要研究领域Ethnicity, Migration and Work  族群,移民与工作
主讲课程本科 Undergraduates:社会学概论(Introduction to Sociology)
族群与移民研究(Ethnic and Migration Studies)
专业英语(Sociological English)
研究生 Graduates:国际移民与全球化 (International Migration and Globlization)
学习工作经历2010.9-2014.8 中央民族大学 社会学 本科 BA sociology Minzu University of China
2014.9-2018.8 爱尔兰都柏林大学 社会学 博士 PhD sociology University College Dublin
2018.9-2020.7 爱尔兰都柏林大学法律系 博士后研究员 (Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin)
2021.1-至今 厦门大学社会与人类学院社会学系 助理教授 (Assistant Professor at School of Sociology and Anthropology, Xiamen University)
主要科研项目(1)福建省社科青年项目 (FJ2024C163): 两岸经济文化交流合作背景下常住大陆台胞灵活就业研究 (3万) Fujian Province Social Science Planning Project : A Study on the Flexible Employment of Taiwan Residents Permanently Living in Mainland China under the Background of Cross-Strait Economic and Cultural Exchange and Cooperation
(2) 国家民委民族研究项目:新中国成立后(1949-2023)社会融合视域下民族互嵌式社区的建构路径研究(项目号:2023-GMI-167)National Ethnic Affairs Commission Ethnic Studies Project: Research on the Construction Path of Embedded Ethnic Communities from the Perspective of Social Integration in the Post-1949 New China.
(3) 福建省统战部人文社科项目,2023:港澳台侨毕业生的就业与融入(0.5万)(TB23023s)Fujian Province United Front Work Department humanities and social science project
(4) 中央高校基本业务科研启动基金, 2022-2025(10万):教育全球化背景下港澳台侨留学生在内地的社会融入与适应研究 (ZK1013) Research Start-up Funding of Xiamen University, PI.
(5) 民革厦门市委2023年调研课题(1万):围绕港澳台侨毕业生在厦劳动力市场的就业情况分析及建议.Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang: Analysis and suggestions on the labor market performances of graduates from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in Xiamen's labor market.
(6) 厦门大学研究生院课程思政研究项目基金,2022-2023(3万):教育全球化视角下来华留学生的思想政治教育研究
(7) 参与欧盟 European Research Council Horizon 2020 课题 Effective Nature Laws ( , Grant Agreement: 639084 LEGALARCHITECTURES) 担任博士后研究员 PI: Suzanne Kingston
(8) 博士课题:International Student Migration Behaviour and Labour Market Outcomes: A Quantitative Analysis on Social Capital. (CSC 201508300012)
代表性论文(1) Wang,Z. 2025. Southern School-to-Work Transition and the Determinants of Becoming Young NEET in China.YOUNG.
(2) Wang,Z. 2024. Fresh off the boat again? The conversion of cultural capital and distinction-making among Western-educated returnee scholars in China. International Sociology.
(3) Wang, Z. 2023. Racilised Mobilities in China. The Sociological Review.
(4) Zhong W., and Wang, Z., 2023, The impact of regional Internet development on Chinese middle-aged and older adults’ depression, 2011-2018. Health Policy and Technology.
(5)Kingston, S. and Wang, Z., 2023. How do nature governance rules affect compliance decisions? An experimental analysis. Ecological Economics.
(6) Wang Z. 2022. Investigating the role of multilevel social capital in ethnic income inequality in the Chinese labor market. Social Networks. (SSCI)
(7) Kingston, S., Wang, Z., Alblas, E., Callaghan M., Foulon J., Daly C., and Norris D. 2022. Europe's nature governance revolution: harnessing the shadow of heterarchy. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics. (SSCI)
(8) Kingston S, Wang Z, Albas E, Callaghan, Foulon J, Lima V, and Murphy G. 2021. The Democratisation of European Nature Governance 1992 - 2015: Introducing the Comparative Nature Governance Index. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.
(9) Wang Z and O'Connell P., 2020. Social Capital and Post-Graduation Destination: International Students in Ireland. The Economic and Social Review.
(10) Wang Z. 2020. The Incidence of Overeducation among International Students upon Graduation in Ireland: The Effects of Social Capital and Job Searching Methods. Irish Educational Studies.
(11) Wang Z. 2020. Bonding and Bridging Social Capital: The Determinants of English Language Fluency and Its Effects on the Labour Market Outcome of International Students in Ireland. The Economic and Social Review.
(12)Wang Z. 2019. Doctoral Thesis Abstract: International Student Migration Behaviour and Labour Market Outcomes: A Quantitative Analysis on Social Capital. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
(13) 汪子臻,《日常生活中权力技术的社会学分析—基于育人中学的实地调查》,发表于《格物致知,知行合一:中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院优秀本科生论文选第二辑》学苑出版社2015.5.
(14) 汪子臻,2013(12)《城市家庭夫妻权力研究——基于江西省三城市300份问卷的实证研究》,吉首大学学报(社会科学版). (CSSCI)
获奖(1)2023年厦门大学第十二届英语教学比赛文科组 二等奖

(2)2015-2018 中国国家留学基金委(CSC)全额博士奖学金
备注学术服务 期刊审稿人 Peer review service
The Economic and Social Review, Critical Sociology, Society, European Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Networks.
田野调查与研究重心 Field work experience and research focus
2013.7-9 四川凉山彝族自治州竹核乡瓦扎社 展开民族地区毒品泛滥问题调查
2014.9-2018.8 都柏林 从社会网络的角度研究爱尔兰留学毕业生在欧洲劳动力市场的产出(毕业去留、工资、过度教育化、语言水平)
2019.6 法国Bordeaux Salon de l’Agriculture de Nouvelle Aquitaine 展开法国农民环保与法律意识问题调查
2019.6 荷兰Bathmen Land & Tuinbouwbeurs Oost Nederland 展开荷兰农民环保与法律意识问题调查
2019.9-2020.3 都柏林 通过助推理论(Nudge)与行为实验研究西欧农民环保行为的法律影响机制
2021.9-12 厦门 从种族主义角度研究外国留学生在厦门的日常流动赋权(everyday mobility empowerment)
2022.9-12 厦门 从文化资本-社会资本转变的角度研究中国海归博士归国社会再融入
2023.1-6 厦门 从全球南方-北方的结构性不同研究中国青年尼特族(NEET)的微观/宏观形成机制
2023.7-2024.2 厦门 从疾病的物质化与健全主义理论视角研究兴建盲道的社会后果与盲人的日常流动阻碍



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