姓名 | 吴胜涛 | 
职称 | 副教授、博士生导师 |
职务 | 社会认知与计算实验室负责人 |
电子邮件 | michaelstwu@xmu.edu.cn或wust2011@163.com, |
研究领域 | 正义动机与道德治理,文化变迁与心理适应,人工智能与心理计算。 |
主讲课程 | 普通心理学,社会心理学,文化心理学,幸福心理学,数据调查与分析 |
学习经历 | 1998-2002:北京师范大学哲学系本科生 |
2006-2011:中国科学院心理研究所硕博连读研究生 |
学术论文 | Wu, M. S., Ma-Kellams, C., Xie, T., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Rethinking WEIRD biases in morality: An introduction to the Special Topics issue" Culture and Morality: The Things We Value". Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1528375. [SSCI] |
| Nudelman, G., Chen, Y., & Wu, M. S.* (2024). Standing up for close others: The relationship effect on moral courage across harm and fairness contexts. International Journal of Social Psychology, 39(2), 347-375. [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Stupnianek, K., Wu, M. S.*, & Schmitt, M. (2022). A school rampage threatens beliefs in justice: A longitudinal study of the belief in a just world among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Personality, 90, 690-702. [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Wang, Y., Luo, Y. L. L.,Wu, M. S.*,& Zhou, Y. (2022). Heritability of justice sensitivity.Journal of Individual Differences,DOI: 10.1027/1614-0001/a000366. [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Sundararajan, L., Wu, M. S.*, Ho, W.-Z., Sun, J., Leung, C. P., & Rich, G. J. (2021). Expanding our kind: A pan-cultural study of the animistic principle of ontological parity. The Humanistic Psychologist, 50, 476–496. [Corresponding Author] |
| Li, L.,Wu, M. S.*, Tao, J., Wang,W., He,J., Ru Liu, R., Guo, J., Chen,Y., Li,K., Li,S., Qi, B., & Han,B. (2021).A follow-up investigation of mental health among the discharged COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China.Frontiers in Public Health, 9,640352. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.640352 [Corresponding Author, SCI] |
| Ma-Kellams, C., & Wu, M. S.* (2020). Gender, behavioral inhibition/activation, and emotional reactions to negative natural and social events.Personality and Individual Differences.DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2019.109809 [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S. (2019). Costs and benefits of cultural value mismatch in the globalizing era: A commentary on the special issue “cross-cultural value mismatch: a byproduct of migration and population diversity around the world”. International Journal of Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12628. [SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Li, B., Zhu, L., & Zhou, C. (2019). Culture change and affectionate communication in China and the United States: Evidence from Google digitized books 1960-2008. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1110. [SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Zhou, C., Chen, H., Cai, H., & Sundararajan, L. (2018). Cultural value mismatch in urbanizing China: A large-scale analysis of collectivism and happiness based on social media and nationwide survey. International Journal of Psychology, 53, 54-63. [SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Li, B., Zhu, L., Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018). Connecting with Others in Economic Downturn: A Big Data Analysis of Collectivism from 2010 through 2016. Proceedings of The Academic Forum on Research into Social Mentality and Social Psychological Services under the New Era (p.p. 81-86). Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, Inc. [CPCI-SSH] |
| Wang, S., Zou, W., Wu, M. S.*, Jiao, D., & Zhu, T. (2018). Online Emotions Vary with Media Policy, Work, and Sleep among Individual Versus Governmental Users. Proceedings of The Academic Forum on Research into Social Mentality and Social Psychological Services under the New Era (p.p. 87-92). Marietta, Georgia: American Scholars Press, Inc. [Corresponding Author, CPCI-SSH] |
| Zhou, Z., Yiu, W. Y. V., Wu, M. S.*, Greenfield, P. M. (2018). Perception of cross-generational differences in child behavior and parent socialization: A mixed-method interview study with grandmothers in China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49, 62-81. [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Cohen, A. (2017). Justice concerns after school attacks: Belief in a just world and support for perpetrator punishment among Chinese adults and adolescents. Social Justice Research, 30, 221-237. [SSCI] |
| Cohen, A. B., Wu, M. S.*, & Miller, J. (2016). Religion and culture: Individualism and collectivism in the East and West. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47, 1236-1249. [Corresponding Author, SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Schmitt, M., Zhou, C., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Astanina, N., Khachatryan, N., & Han, B. (2014). Examining self-advantage in the suffering of others: Cross-cultural differences in beneficiary and observer justice sensitivity among Chinese, Germans, and Russians. Social Justice Research, 27, 231-242. [SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Sutton, M. R., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Han, B. (2013). Time frame and justice motive: Future perspective moderates the adaptive function of general belief in a just world. PloS ONE, 8, e80668. [SCI/SSCI] |
| Wu, M. S., Yan, X., Zhou, C., Chen, Y., Li, J., Zhu, Z., & Han, B. (2011). General belief in a just world and resilience: Evidence from a collectivistic culture. European Journal of Personality, 25: 431-442. [SSCI] |
| 吴胜涛, 高承海, 胡琬莹, 王宁, 彭凯平. (2024). 集体主义促进亲社会正义感:共同责任的作用. 心理学报, in press, DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2024.107. |
| 吴胜涛, 王予灵, 彭凯平. (2024). 理性式微、功利扩张? 近40年中国社会两种个人主义的变迁. 心理学报, 56(7), 911-925. [SSCI/CSSCI/CSCD] |
| 吴胜涛, 茅云云, 冯健仁, 张庆鹏, 谢天, 陈浩, 朱廷劭. (2023). 基于大数据的文化心理分析. 心理科学进展, 31, 317-329. [CSSCI/CSCD] |
| 张彦彦, 赵英男, 李华智, 吴胜涛. (2022). 社会规范的文化延伸——文明作为中国人的一种道德基础. 自然辩证法通讯, 44, 19-26. [CSSCI] |
| 茅云云, 周婵, 吴胜涛*. (2022). 努力的意义:中国学生成长思维与成就动机的阶层分析. 中国社会心理学评论, 23, 61-77. [CSSCI, 通讯作者] |
| 吴胜涛, 胡传鹏, 刘冠民. (2022). 从冲突到善治:社会转型时期的秩序反思与道德重建. 中国社会心理学评论, 23, 1-14. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛,茅云云. (2022).社会支持网络的私人关系效应及场景差异.社区心理学研究, 13,67-83. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛. (2021). 正义动机. 见:许燕、杨宜音(编). 社会心理研究(上册), 上海: 华东师范大学出版社. |
| 吴胜涛,王歆睿,韩布新. (2021).新冠肺炎疫情下居家老年人的情绪优势及家庭支持效应.社区心理学研究, 12,34-52. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛,杨韶刚,袁杰,胡晓晴. (2021).何以为德?道德教育的心理基础与道德学习的路径探讨.中国社会心理学评论, 21,1-12. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛,张燕,于洪泽,樊俊伶,李馨婷. (2021).受害者正义感与人际宽恕:社会价值取向的作用.中国社会心理学评论, 21,20-28. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛,杨晨曦,王世强,马瑞启,韩布新. (2020).正义动机的他人凸显效应:基于词嵌入联想测验的证据.科学通报,65,2047-2054. [CSCD] |
| 吴胜涛, 杨晨曦, 张彦彦. (2019). 道德基础词典中文版介绍及初步分析. [ChinaXiv:201911.00002] |
| 吴胜涛,王平丽,陈咏媛. (2020).亲社会正义感的阶层差异:个体主义的调节作用.中国社会心理学评论, 17, 204-214.[CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛,高承海,梁肖幸子,胡沈璠. (2020).集体主义与亲社会行为:群体认同的作用.中国社会心理学评论, 17, 193-203.[CSSCI] |
| 周婵,王平丽,葛泽宇,吴胜涛*,黄四林,林崇德. (2019).社会变迁背景下幼儿好奇心与父母智力投入的城乡比较研究.中国社会心理学评论, 19, 177-193.[CSSCI,通讯作者] |
| 吴胜涛, 周阳, 朱廷劭. (2018). “一带一路”沿线文化与合作交往模式探究:基于Twitter的心理分析. 中国科学院院刊,33, 298-307. [CSCD] |
| 吴育锋, 吴胜涛, 刘洪飞, 焦冬冬, 朱廷劭. (2018). 小说人物性格的文学智能分析:以《平凡的世界》为例. 中文信息学报, 32, 128-136. [学生一作, CSCD] |
| 包寒吴霜, 吴胜涛*, 郑昊, 陆海蓉, 郑伟, 戴炜, 陆梭, 朱廷劭. (2018). 雾霾下的自我:空气污染与个体主义-集体主义的大数据分析. 社区心理学研究, 6, 71-85. [通讯作者] |
| 吴胜涛, 姜颖, 王毓洲, 张雅婷. (2018). 生命的补偿控制:肿瘤幸存者的正义观与主观幸福感. 中国社会心理学评论, 15, 76-89. [CSSCI] |
| 吴胜涛等. (2016). 正义动机研究的测量偏差问题:关于中国人世道正义观(公正世界信念)的元分析. 中国社会心理学评论, 11, 162-178. [CSSCI] |