姓名 | 易林 | 
职称 | 教授 |
职务 |
电子邮箱 | yilin11@xmu.edu.cn
联系方式 | 2183769 |
主要研究领域 | 基本关注点是现代性下文化、政治与身体的交错互动,主要研究兴趣包括:生命政治与生物公民身份、日常社会实践与愿景政治、道德化与等级、教育治理与不平等、伦理自我与公民意义,身体、生命与健康。 |
主讲课程 | 社会学概论(本科生) |
| 身体社会学(本科生) |
| 社会理论(硕士生) |
| 文化社会学(博士生) |
学习工作经历 | * 教育经历 |
| 四川大学文学学士(中文) |
| 四川大学文学硕士(中文) |
| 布里斯托大学(Bristol University)哲学博士(社会学) |
| * 工作经历 |
| 2001年前在广东外语外贸大学及罗马大学(“La Sapienza”)讲授中文(对外汉语) |
| 2006年底至今在厦门大学社会学系任教。 |
| 现为厦门大学社会学教授,博士生导师,社会学博士后流动站合作导师(文化社会学与教育社会学方向)。 |
主要科研项目 | “当代中国的自我关注与公民性:海峡两岸的比较研究”,教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目,2015年(结项) |
| “教育与发展”,教育部回国留学人员科研启动基金,2009年(已结项) |
| “人口流动与文化公民身份”,国家社会科学基金一般项目,2008年(已结项) |
| “流动的文化结果:对两个不同社会-文化群体的一个比较研究”,教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目,2007年(已结项) |
| “西方视野下的教育、发展与社会公正”,厦门大学引进人才科研启动项目,2007年(已结项) |
| 2022,(Lin Yi & Chuanhong Wu)‘How can I fix my disrupted life?’ Embodied experiences and biocitizenship among men who have sex with men living with HIV in China, Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2022.2157884 |
| 2021, "Cultural Citizenship as Relational", in Zhonghua Guo (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Citizenship, Routledge |
| 2021, (Lin Yi, Zhuoma Gadou) "Individualism without full individualization? The compressed life trajectories of the Tibetan graduates of an English training program", The British Journal of Sociology, 72(4). |
| 2019,"Individuality, subjectivation, and their civic significance in contemporary China: The cultivation of an ethical self in a cultural community", China Information, 33(3). |
| 2019,(易林 史海涛)“打造社会资本:自我表达价值观时代的藏族自主创业者”,《西北民族研究》第2期。 |
| 2019,"The Emergence of Life Politics among Neidiban Tibetan College Graduates and its Implications for Pedagogy", Asian Studies Review, 43(1). |
| 2016,"A Failure in 'Designed Citizenship': A Case Study in a Minority-Han Merger School in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region", Japanese Journal of Political Science, 17(1). |
| 2014,"Modernity, Mobility, and Dilemma: The Making of Tibetan Cultural Citizenship through an English Training Program", Journal of Chinese Political Science, 19(4). [Reprinted in Zhonghua Guo & Sujian Guo (eds), Theorizing Chinese Citizenship. Lexington Book. 2015). |
| 2013,“数码媒体时代的文化公民身份:研究述评”,《中国政治学年度评论》(上海格致出版社)。 |
| 2012,(Lin Yi, Lili Wang) “Cultivating Self-Worth among Dislocated Tibetan Undergraduate Students in a Chinese Han-Dominated National Key University”, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33(1). |
| 2011,(易林、王蕾)“西方公民身份研究中的文化转向:面向未来的文化公民身份”,《国外社会科学》第5期。 |
| 2011,“Auditing Chinese Higher Education? The Perspectives of Returnee Scholars in an Elite University”, International Journal of Educational Development, 31(5). |
| 2011,“中国的文化主义与族群边界”,《国家与社会》第十期(台湾元智大学)。 |
| 2011,“Turning Rurality into Modernity: Suzhi Education in A Suburban Public School of Migrant Children in Xiamen”,The China Quarterly, 206. |
| 2007,“Ethnicization through Schooling: the Mainstream Discursive Repertoires of Ethnic Minorities”, The China Quarterly, 192. [Reprinted in Colin Mackerras (ed.) (2011) Ethnic Minorities in Modern China, Taylor & Francis Group] |
| 2007,“阶级、名校与不平等”,《读书》第10期 |
| 2006, “Choosing between ethnic and Chinese citizenship: the educational trajectories of Tibetan minority children in northwestern China”, in Vanessa Fong and Rachel Murphy (eds) Chinese Citizenship: views from the margins. London and New York: Routledge. |
| 2005, “Muslim Narratives of Schooling, Social Mobility and Cultural Difference: A Case Study in Multiethnic Northwest China”, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 6(1). |
专著教材 | 2008,Cultural Exclusion in China: State Education, Social Mobility and Cultural Difference, London and New York: Routledge. |
| 书评见: |
| International Journal of Educational Development 29 (2009): 542 |
| Comparative Education Review 53(3) (2009): 453-455 |
| China Information 23(3) (2009): 523-525 |
| Diaspora, Indigenous,and Minority Education 4(1) (2010): 64-66 |
| The Journal of Asian Studies 70(2) (2011): 563-565 |